Creating the .env file

.env are a way to make certain values accessible to an application running in a container. We'll use the .env file to configure the node with the information that is specific to your node (like private key, seed key, and server name).

If you haven't created your private key and seed information yet, please see the step-by-step instructions on GeordieR's guide.

Creating the .env file

From within the coti-node directory, create a new file called .env. To do this in vim, for example, one could run

vim .env

After creating the .env file, copy the following contents into the file, replacing everything in the angle brackets (<>), including the angle brackets themselves, with the information for your node.

ACTION="<mainnet or testnet>"
SERVERNAME="<Your desired mainnet or testnet URL>"
PKEY="<Your private key>"
SEED="<Your seed key>"
EMAIL="<Your email address>"

Example .env file

Here is an example .env file for a fictional testnet node called "", with a private key of 1234567890, and a seed key of ABCDEFGHIJ.

.env (example)

Optional Variables

An optional, but useful environment variable, is VERSION. This controls which version of the coti-node software that Docker will run.

If you want to run the latest version (which is generally suitable for testnet node operators), then you don't need to specify the VERSION environment variable.

On the other hand, if you want to run a particular version of the Coti node, this can be done by adding the following line to your .env file


where X.Y.Z is the release tag of the version you wish to run. A list of the available versions can be found here, which correspond to the official releases made available by Coti.


At this point, you have done all of the hard work needed to set up your node. The next step shows how to launch the node with Docker.

Last updated