Upgrading Your Node

When Coti release new versions of their software, it is important to keep your node up to date, especially if your node is on the testnet, so that the new software can be tested before being rolled out to mainnet.

Fortunately with Docker, upgrading is simple.

Upgrading to the Latest Version

If you didn't choose a version in your .env file, the Coti node can be upgraded with

docker-compose up -d

This tells Docker to re-launch your node. In the process of re-launching, Docker check Dockerhub to make sure it has the latest version, and it downloads a newer version if one is available. The -d flag tells Docker to run the container in "detached mode", which means that the terminal will be freed from the container once it is launched.

Upgrading (or Downgrading) to a Specific Version

If you chose a version in your .env file using the VERSION environment variable, you should edit the version number in your .env file before relaunching the node.

After changing the version number in the .env file, upgrading/downgrading can be done with the same command:

docker-compose up -d


If you have followed the guide this far, you now know everything you need to run your node with Docker! Make sure to pass the favour on by helping others set up their nodes, and stay active within the community. Thanks for reading.

A list of useful docker and docker-compose commands is kept at the end of this guide, that you can turn to if you ever need to perform tasks that are not covered earlier in the guide.

Last updated