Downloading the Configuration Files

In the "The Basics" section, we showed how docker-compose can be used to run a whoami container. We'll be using a similar approach will to run the Coti node. This section describes the files we'll be using to define our Docker containers, and gives a command to download them on to your server.

Summary of the Configuration Files

Here is a summary of the files that will be downloaded in this step, and what each file does:

  • docker-compose.yml

    • This file tells Docker to run two containers, one of which is the Coti node, and the other is a web server called Traefik.

    • The Coti node container runs the fullnode application.

    • Traefik performs a few roles, including issuing/renewing SSL certificates, redirecting requests received on port 80 to port 443, and forwarding requests received on ports 443 and 7070 to the Coti node container.

  • traefik_conf.yml

    • This is a configuration file that is specific to the Traefik web server, and contains some additional settings required to generate SSL certificates that get an A+ rating with SSL Labs.

Feel free to look through these files, although it's not necessary to edit or understand them to follow the guide and get your node installed.

Copying the Configuration Files

The command below creates a new directory (called coti-node), and downloads the two configuration files into the new directory.

mkdir coti-node &&\
 cd coti-node &&\
 curl -sLJO &&\
 curl -sLJO

You can use ls to check that the files were downloaded successfully. This should show two new files in the coti-node directory: docker-compose.yml and traefik_conf.yml.


If the command above was successful, you now have the configuration files you need to run your node. In the next step, we'll create one last file called .env, which allows you to specify the unique information (like private key, seed key and server name) required to set up your node.

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